I am in Love With Us

10:56 PM

 I'm in love with us.

      I have always been in love with us; With the human condition. I am fascinated by the things that make us tick; The burning  type of passion inside that causes our palms to sweat, our hearts to shiver, and our bones to ache. I am always so eager to ask somebody what they love. It is in those seconds when those three words are spoken that time seems to come to a still. You can see the heart race, the eyes widen, and the  vulnerability begins to set in. We tiptoe around this sentence, careful who we share this very fragile part of our selves with.
​     I want to look into eyes flickering with light when they tell me about their very fist love. Hear the crack in their voice when ​they tell me about how it broke their heart. I want to put my hand to their chest and feel where it ripped open, and hear the laughter in which mended the wound. Humans cease to amaze me. How quickly we can fall. How strong we can rise.
​     I just love us. We are messy. We are clumsy. We are fragile. We fumble around, with no direction, trying to find a purpose. We are all just winging it, because there is no instruction manual to this chaotic mess we call life. We have no idea what we are doing, yet somehow everything still seems fall perfectly into place.
​     Humans are misunderstood creatures. Some look like art, and some look like they have been living in a war zone. Some of us will break. Absolutely shatter. Sometimes with no hope left... but there is always someone who comes a-long looking to make stained glass.
​     We are not perfect. We don't always have it all together.
​     We are human. And I am in love with us.

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